Read: (a) Ilisa Barbash, “Exposing Latent Images: Daguerreotypes in the Museum and Beyond” (pp. 407-433, To Make Their Own Way in the World, ed. Ilisa Barbash, Molly Rogers, and Deborah Willis)

(b) Misc. media coverage of Tamara K. Lanier’s lawsuit against Harvard over the Zealy daguerreotypes

Article in Hyperallergic

Article in ProPublica

View: Core archive (the Zealy daguerreotypes)

Digital reproductions of the daguerreotypes in the Harvard Peabody Museum’s collections database

10 of the 13 daguerreotypes that are represented in Harvard’s digital collections database can be viewed at the above link. Be sure to scroll down/click on the images further down the page and view all 10.

BONUS viewing material: Contemporary art project, Tailoring Freedom, by Sasha Huber, in which she “dresses” the subjects of the Zealy daguerreotypes:

Contextual information about Tailoring Freedom presented in The British Journal of Photography in connection with an exhibition of Huber’s work

Tailoring Freedom presented on the artist’s website

Tailoring Freedom presented on the Autograph website

Research: The legal decision and current status of Lanier’s claims

Of potential interest for your research: Harvard Law Review article