Collaboration with Erin Haney. During the 8th edition (2009) of the Rencontres de Bamako: Biennale africaine de la photographie, we interviewed photographers, curators, museum directors, biennial sponsors, and students and workers in local arts institutions to assess the biennial’s contribution to institutions for photography on the African continent. Our research was published in the form of articles and interviews. It also led to the framing of several further collaborations, including the formation of Resolution Photo.
“Invisible Borders: Trans-African Photography Project.” Co-authored with Erin Haney. Review of “Invisible Borders” at the 2012 New Museum Triennial. Galerie du Jeu de Paume blog, April 18, 2012.
“Eye on Bamako: Conversations on the African Photography Biennial.” Co-authored with Erin Haney. Theory, Culture & Society. Vol. 27, Nos. 7-8 (2010): 263-284.
“The Bamako African Photography Biennial.” Jennifer Bajorek and Erin Haney interviewed by Simon Dawes. Theory, Culture & Society blog, January 27, 2011.
“8e Rencontres de Bamako.” Co-authored with Erin Haney. Aperture 200 (Fall 2010): 74-76.
“Beyond the Biennial: Bamako at 15 Years.” Co-authored with Erin Haney. Commissioned by Autograph, Association of Black Photographers, for a special issue of The Autograph ABP Newspaper, January 2010.
“Beyond the Biennial” (republished). Johannesburg Workshop in Theory and Criticism blog, March 26, 2010.