Super 8 Filmmaking and Text and Image in Paris, June 2023
This new multidisciplinary course co-taught by Baba Hillman and Jennifer Bajorek, is designed for students in film, performance, studio arts, photography, writing and curatorial practice. The new course offers two separate tracks. The filmmaking track includes workshops in cinematography, performance, film theory and editing on Super 8 film. Each student will shoot, edit and project a short Super 8 film. The writing and curatorial track includes workshops in writing, criticism, publishing, photographic essay and exhibition-making. Each student will complete an essay-length writing or photography project. All cameras, film and editing equipment are provided. Critical work examines themes of representation, immigration and diaspora in France. Students will attend screenings, performances and exhibits at the Cinématheque Française, Centre Pompidou, L’Institut du Monde Arabe, and at alternative arts spaces such as Le Centquatre and Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers.
Prerequisites – Film track: film, video, photography, studio art, performance or art practice/theory course.
Writing/curatorial track: art history, photography practice, photography history, literature/creative writing, or art practice/theory course.
For application questions, contact Professor Baba Hillman or Professor Jennifer Bajorek. This course is open to all currently enrolled Hampshire College and Five College Amherst, Mount Holyoke, and Smith Colleges and the University of Massachusetts-Amherst) students. NOTE: Students who have graduated (including in the month prior to the course) and non-Hampshire/non-Five College students are not eligible to apply/enroll. Application instructions available on the Hampshire College GEO website.