Curated by Jennifer Bajorek New works by Mow 504 (Mouhamadou Moustapha Souaré) of the Radikl Bomb Shot Crew (Dakar) Exhibition opening – Friday, October 15, 2021, 7:30–8:30 pm Hampshire College Art Gallery, Harold F. Johnson Library, Hampshire College LOOK AND FEEL is an artist residency and exhibition project realized with Senegalese graffiti artist Mow 504 … Continue reading LOOK & FEEL: artist residency and exhibition of graffiti works by Mow 504 of the RBS Crew (Dakar)

Lead curator, Contemporary Africa on Screen (C.A.O.S.), South London Gallery, 2010-2011 C.A.O.S. 12 monthly screenings, discussions, and workshops on film, video, and performance by African artists, including Fatou Kandé Senghor, Natalie Mba Mbikoro, Thenjiwe Nkosi, Teboho Edkins, Raphaël Grisey and Bouba Touré, Sam Hopkins, Biki Kangwana, Slum-TV, and Zanele Muholi. Co-curated programs and sessions by … Continue reading Contemporary Africa on Screen (C.A.O.S.)

Review of Andrew Esiebo, Living Queer African, C.A.O.S. QUEER AFRICA, part of CONTEMPORARY AFRICA ON SCREEN at the South London Gallery Friday 29 July 2011, 7-9pm, Free Nigerian photographer Andrew Esiebo presents an incisive, searing, and eminently watchable portrait of young queer Africans living in Europe, in his multimedia work Living Queer African (5’25, Paris, … Continue reading QUEER AFRICA, Andrew Esiebo, Living Queer African, C.A.O.S. at the South London Gallery

A GAZE THROUGH THE LENS OF CONTEMPORARY AFRICAN PERFORMANCE, part of CONTEMPORARY AFRICA ON SCREEN at the South London Gallery Friday 25 March 2011, 7pm, Free This event includes a live performance by Nathalie Mba Bikoro and a series of films relating to performance, including the premiere of Ato Malinda’s film, Fertile, as well as … Continue reading A Gaze Through the Lens of Contemporary African Performance

QUEER AFRICA, part of CONTEMPORARY AFRICA ON SCREEN at the South London Gallery Friday 29 July 2011, 7-9pm, Free South London Gallery65 Peckham RoadLondon SE5 8UH Nigerian photographer Andrew Esiebo presents an incisive, searing, and eminently watchable portrait of young queer Africans living in Europe, in his multimedia work Living Queer African (5’25, Paris, 2007). … Continue reading QUEER AFRICA, Zanele Muholi, Difficult Love, C.A.O.S. at the South London Gallery

Lagos / London 2008 Photographers Andrew Esiebo and Nilu Izadi present and talk about their recent work Wednesday, 8 October 2008 l 3.30pm – 5 pm l RHB 139 (aka the Main Building) Andrew Esiebo is a photographer working in Ibadan and Lagos, Nigeria, and a member of the Black Box photographers’ collective. His projects … Continue reading Lagos / London 2008 (Goldsmiths)

An interdisciplinary workshop on images and their archives in cross-cultural contexts. February 16, 2009, co-organized with Claire Colebrook. Goldsmiths’ College, University of London. “We invite you to reflect on the image archive in transformation. We leave the field open, but we are particularly interested in work that is concerned with, or takes place in, non-Western … Continue reading Creating the Global Image Archive (Goldsmiths)

BORDER FARM Thenjiwe Nkosi and Meza Weza Border Farm (2007-2011, 30’) is a docudrama about a group of Zimbabwean “border jumpers” who make their way across the Limpopo River to seek work on farms in the far north of South Africa. It is part of a larger project conceived by director Thenjiwe Nkosi, working with … Continue reading BORDER FARM (Thenjiwe Nkosi and Meza Weza, 2007-2011), C.A.O.S. at the South London Gallery