Read and view: Wendy Red Star, Accession (2019); Apsáalooke Feminist (2016); 1880 Crow Peace Delegation (2014); Children of the Large-Beaked Bird (2020-22); and misc. projects on the artist’s website

Wendy Red Star — Accession

Wendy Red Star — Apsáalooke Feminist

Wendy Red Star — 1880 Crow Peace Delegation

Wendy Red Star — Children of the Large-Beaked Bird

Read: Josh T. Franco, interview with Wendy Red Star “On the power of indigenous art” (Aperture, October 11, 2024)

Read and view: Edward S. Curtis, The North American Indian (Selected photographs and contextual info.)

Selected photographs by Edward S. Curtis in the collection of The Smithsonian Institution

Selected photographs by Edward S. Curtis and contextual essay by Ellie Gascoigne (Photography Ethics Center)

Research: Ethnographic photography as a genre