Selections from When Bullets Begin to Flower, ed. and translated by Margaret Dickinson (downloadable pdf)
This scan of When Bullets Begin to Flower was made from a paperback book printed on low quality paper that was published in Nairobi, Kenya, in 1972, so you can sometimes read the poems through the other side of the page. It is not a full-text scan (of a whole book) but rather scans of selected poems by these 6 poets:
Agostinho Neto (Angola); José Craveirinha (Mozambique); Onésimo Silveira (Angola); Mario Cissoko (Guinea Bissau); anonymous (Partisans Song); Jorge Rebelo (Mozambique)
(If a poet’s name does not appear in the above list, then we are not reading their poem: some fragments of poems by other poets are contained in the pdf.)
Selections from Poets to the People: South African Freedom Poems, ed. by Barry Feinberg (downloadable pdf)
This scan was made from a paperback and is (like the previous one) not a full-text scan. Rather, it contains sequences from the book representing the work of three South African poets: A.N.C. Kumalo (pp. 35-42); Cosmo Pieterse (pp. 65-67); Mongane Wally Serote (pp. 68-74)